Hi, I am Emily Gibbs.

I am 28 years old and I live in Lula, GA. I graduated from Liberty University where I acquired my Associates in Business Administration and my Bachelor's in Religion and Biblical Studies.

My whole life I have been intrigued by design, creativity, art, photography, antiques, interior design, furniture, and more. I have had many people over the years mentor, help me craft, and figure out what creativity means in my own life. I learned early on that I thrive off of projects, love creating new spaces, and want creativity to inspire others.

So...This is where Eloquent Design Co. begins.

I wanted to create a business that offered an array of elements. Eloquent includes the following: a love for interior design, all things, home & antiques, a space for my photography, life inspiration and more. 

Eloquent means fluent, elegant, or persuasive speaking. The word also means expressive. I believe that God allows me to learn new things every day not just to express creativity but to express my love for Him, the gospel, and what can be accomplished when He is at work within us. After all, He is the best example of a designer!

After praying for a name, Eloquent seemed so fitting. My prayer is that everything spoken, created, and designed would be a representation of the eloquence, elegance, and extraordinary heart of Jesus. 


I also have a golden doodle named Finn and he is 6 years old! He brings so much joy to my life and never fails to brighten each day. Mom loves you Finn!

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